Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Cat watch day #8: Cat People vs Dog People

NO SUCH THING AS CAT PEOPLE?: The double skeptics Titi and Isis agree:
if you are a dog-person, you just *have to* say tha
A friend from high school, now a trained psychologist, claims that there is no such thing as "cat-people" and "dog-people" as a way of saying anything about human behavior and archetypes.

I do find this hard to accept, but found some clarifying facts in this article on Cat People Are More Distinctive Than Dog People from Psychology Today.

On the other hand, my good friend mr. Google did return some other results when it comes to Cat People in Norway. Here is another example. A classic one is this one, but I do not recommend this.

Exciting, isn't it? Finally, just one more thing:

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